2025 Budget Engagement

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As the City prepares to review the 2025 budget, now is your opportunity to share your thoughts and provide feedback. Take advantage of the engagement tools to propose new ideas, suggest budget plans and offer additional input to help Council understand your vision for our community.

Our primary objective is to develop a budget that aligns with Council's 2022–2025 Strategic Priorities:

  • Quality of Life
  • Innovative Economic Readiness
  • Inclusive Caring Community
  • Engaging Relationships

Explore the following tools to get started, which include:

Engage Grande Prairie

Curious about the 2025 budget? Come meet with Council and City Administration at the Eastlink Centre on October 3, between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m., to provide your input on the upcoming budget. You can also explore other important topics, including:

As the City prepares to review the 2025 budget, now is your opportunity to share your thoughts and provide feedback. Take advantage of the engagement tools to propose new ideas, suggest budget plans and offer additional input to help Council understand your vision for our community.

Our primary objective is to develop a budget that aligns with Council's 2022–2025 Strategic Priorities:

  • Quality of Life
  • Innovative Economic Readiness
  • Inclusive Caring Community
  • Engaging Relationships

Explore the following tools to get started, which include:

Engage Grande Prairie

Curious about the 2025 budget? Come meet with Council and City Administration at the Eastlink Centre on October 3, between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m., to provide your input on the upcoming budget. You can also explore other important topics, including:


Use this section to ask any questions related to the 2025 Budget. City Administration will review and follow-up to all posted questions.  

Please note, questions may be responded to publicly or privately, depending on the scope and sensitivity of the question.

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Page last updated: 19 Sep 2024, 10:16 AM